A Chocolate Bug’s Life at Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival


Over the course of Disney•Pixar’s “A Bug’s Life,” Heimlich the Caterpillar is shown to have a nearly insatiable appetite. As a result, one wonders what his reaction would be to find that his likeness, as well as that of Francis and many of his bug friends, had been recreated in the form of chocolate sculptures. This display, constructed as part of Epcot’s International Food and Wine Festival, can be found at the Festival Center as part of “The Chocolate Experience: From Bean to Bar.”

Over the last several years, this Ghirardelli Chocolate Company-hosted exhibit included a number of chocolate sculptures concocted by culinary departments from all across Walt Disney World. In addition to “A Bug’s Life,” the 2016 festival includes delicious-looking displays based on animated features including “Ratatouille” and “Big Hero 6,” live action franchises such as “Star Wars” and “DisneyNature,” and even theme park attraction “Expedition Everest.” The idea of food shaped like bugs might not be an appetizing concept for most people, but there’s no denying the skill that goes into transferring Heimlich and friends from the medium of animation into the sumptuous medium of chocolate.

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